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Structure of T H I R T E E N

Thirteen is a working model that we’ve developed to elevate each individual. It is a thirteen-week exercise that we invite you to participate in. Each week, we’ll continue to address one aspect of life, for example, awareness, compassion, commitment, freedom, integrity etc. Each week, there would be six blogs that would be posted – with the week starting from Monday. Each blog focuses on one theme bearing that particular aspect in mind – from Monday to Saturday. And, on Sunday there would be one downloadable workbook available for free. This workbook is printable, and it allows one to mindfully sit and answer a few questions, write down your personal thoughts, catharise emotions – your internal state of being, be complete about it and create the upcoming week that can be in alignment with the aspect of life from the previous week. 

Each day of the week – a blogpost will touch one theme for the aspect of life for that week.

Monday: Clearing

An act of clearing the thoughts, emotions that are bothering – regardless of being good or bad. Clearing them allows one to put the past into the past – where it belongs.

Tuesday: Emptiness

An act of cleaning the slate. A small gesture but a very important and a necessary act for it only in the state of emptiness can one have a possibility to be anything.

Wednesday: Being

We, as individuals are referred to as human being simply because we are being – a present participle, an act and philosophically we are available to the moment. This is a day for being present in the moment.

Thursday: Slowness

One can experience life and be involved with it without any judgements, biases or prejudices. Taking one thing at a time allows one to be slow and experience life by each moment.

Friday: Possibility

In a state of emptiness and by experiencing each moment, one can see that anything is possible in the right now. Being free in the right now allows for the possibility of a desired future.

Saturday: Creation

Once a possibility is set, one is able to find and discover their deeper purpose of being. In this space, there is creation. Creation is both an act and a tool of guidance to steer in a particular direction with intention.

Sunday: Action

This is a day where one can sit and create. One may choose to use the free downloadable workbook available on this website. One sits with ease, taking out about an hour to sit and clear thoughts, empty themselves, be in the moment, experience the slowness, become present to the possibility and create – create a week of their choice in advance.

Week after week, one can keep doing this and planning their week not as a series of tasks and events to accomplish but to be mindfully present to each of the actions and to create one’s actions, emotions and state of being. 


Thirteen is a tool that challenges the normative and pushes to create from one’s being.

Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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