It was the early nineties. We had this practice at home to have the 4 pm Tea like a small gathering. Our entire family, a few neighbours and sometimes my father's friends joined this tea party. The discussions were normally of history, politics and current affairs. This particular day was special as we were awaiting the results of the corporation election. These ward elections are more relevant than any other elections in the country. The reason, simple, the elected person is the one who will ensure that the shit in front of your house is cleaned. We had two candidates for our ward, Mr Sarda and Mr Hande. Both very strong candidates and thus the fight was neck to the neck or ballot box to the ballot box in those days. And the result was out. Mr Sarda had won.
Listening to this news, our house help... ...exclaimed, "And what happened to Mr Hande then?". Everybody in the room burst into laughter.
Listening to this news, our house help, who also had given her vote as she stayed in the same ward, exclaimed, "And what happened to Mr Hande then?". Everybody in the room burst into laughter. Everyone knew it was a zero-sum game. For one to win, the other had to lose. Retrospectively though, when I now think of that incidence, I think in her innocence or ignorance, the maid was considering other possibilities than a zero-sum game. Possibilities of the negative-sum games and positive-sum games.