Why do I watch films? Is it for entertainment, for leisure, for learning, for finding an expression, to appreciate art, or to understand life and emotions? Probably the answer will pick multiple choices from the above list. Probably the answer will vary depending on the mood, context, and company I'm with.
But through this, somehow I have developed the audacity to label some films as good and some as bad. I label some to be of my type and some that are cheap. Not just that, I also form opinions about people who appreciate and watch (or don't watch) films of certain actors and genres. But, if I look at each film, I realize that each film made is made with utmost sincerity and a collective effort. Yet I judge.
Now, if I replace the word "film" in this post with "life" - a life of an individual, the same holds true. After all, life too runs like a film.