"Maryada Purshottam" is a common reference to Rama that literally translates to "the supreme man". In the context of Ramayana, Rama is referred to someone who is known for honouring the word no matter how difficult and non-conducive the situation is. It is in these circumstances that his ethics are tested.
Through history, one can witness that ethics has always proven as a measure to evaluate the character and calibre of an individual. Perhaps, 'evaluate' is not the right term, for evaluation is a term that has a measuring connotation. And, ethics is not a measure of a moral high ground. Ethics simply is in honouring the word or the agreed terms or the rules of the game. It neither is good nor bad (like good or bad habit, ethics cannot be termed so). It is a simple act. It is not easy to be ethical, but it's quite simple.
…ethics is not a measure of a moral high ground. Ethics simply is in honouring the word...