We all are rushing all the time. Particularly in today's day and age, the urban youth (and many others) seem to always be in a state of rush. In the last century, we've advanced technologically more than ever before. The technology in the last couple of decades alone has evolved greatly to benefit humankind. Now, isn't the purpose of this technology is to ease our life? Yet, we seem to be out of time - all the time!
Are we being exceptionally productive? Are we doing more work than ever before? Or, is it just an illusion? In this context, let us enquire about the term 'time management'.
If time is a fixed resource, and one cannot pause, rewind or fast forward it, how can it be managed?
If we think about it, 'time management' is an illusory term. Dr Patricia Thompson says, "you cannot control or manage time. It’s simply not possible. We all have the same number of hours in a day. You can’t get an extra hour no matter how good you are. And you can’t re-use the minutes that you wasted the previous day." If time is a fixed resource, and one cannot pause, rewind or fast forward it, how can it be managed? Managing time, therefore, is a futile and a naive exercise.
What we fundamentally want to do is manage ourselves in the context of time. We have always known about managing self, but many have never thought that we mean it even when we refer to managing time. Once we grapple this new paradigm of managing self, our being shifts.