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The First Rains

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

The end of the last exam in school was always a strange feeling. On one hand, there is the joy of completion of the year and the beginning of the summer holidays. On the other, it was time to part ways from school friends which made us sad. Summer holidays were fun though. Playing with cousins for the entire day, watching movies on TV, going to the park, playing with neighbourhood friends, sometimes drawing, painting, breaking toys and then fixing them, all but no studies...

Sometime in the middle of the summer holidays there comes a day when you hear the thunder in the late afternoons. In some time, just before it's about to rain you can sense a musky, fresh and pleasant smell. This earthy smell known as petrichor does permeate the air. Childhood is mostly the recording phase of our lives. A lot of memories get associated with petrichor and thus get recorded. Some of my memories are connected to this earthy smell, and I will always remember them. At times, it reminds me of the joy and happiness of playing on the ground. Sometimes, it brings back that loneliness of sitting idle and waiting to watch the rains.

Childhood is mostly the recording phase of our lives. A lot of memories get associated with petrichor and thus get recorded.

I remember different things of different years. It was reading a book, making tea and some plans, learning typing and cycling, watching filled potholes and empty streets. As the last day of school, petrichor too brings a set of mixed feeling. For a friend of mine, this smell saddens him. It reminds him of his days of poverty. As a child, petrichor meant that with rains his house will be filled with water due to the leakages in the thatched roof. For another friend, it reminds of her first love and then the followed betrayal. The scent eventually goes away after the storm has passed and the ground begins to dry.

The scent eventually goes away after the storm has passed and the ground begins to dry.

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