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Integrity: The Emptiness in Integrity

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

In the context of integrity, at any point when we choose to bring integrity to our actions, to our way of being, we realise that there is so much mess that we have created in the past. We often tend to get sucked into the past, evaluate it and sulk over the fact that there is so much mess to be cleared to bring and regain integrity. Mostly it is so overwhelming that just looking at the mess created by us throws us off our game! We now don’t know where to begin…

This happens mostly because we start evaluating our past. It means that we measure ourselves against a scale of right-doings and wrong-doings. But, as we’ve seen in yesterday’s post, there is no morality in integrity. Integrity is merely our actions in the right now.

Realising in the right now that what is done, is done is important. This does not mean that you don’t get the gravity of the mess that you have created. It is simply that you don’t react to the mess by assigning any connotations to it – good or bad. They are merely your conditions. This is a stage to be achieved in experience and awareness, and not necessarily in the knowing or intellectual understanding; the latter is not of a greater help. This is a stage of emptiness. A space where one can purely experience themselves without any biases. Bringing an emptiness to the experience before being in/ present to integrity will take off the pressure. In the state of being in integrity one is free from their biases, reasons and thoughts. Integrity is not an inherited quality; it is generated constantly in each moment as a way of living.

In the state of being in integrity one is free from their biases, reasons and thoughts. Integrity is not an inherited quality; it is generated constantly in each moment as a way of living.

A person who is always said to be in integrity also needs to generate and experience

the space of emptiness each time before (re)generating integrity in this moment.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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