In this week's posts, we've explored what our own film, our own show, the inner drama is, and yesterday we looked at the possibility of realising, acknowledging, and being aware of our ongoing drama.
The post was about realising that we're guiding our bullock cart to go in a certain direction but as we do that, we're also carrying the gunny bags filled with goods on our back assuming that our bullocks will not have to carry the burden!
The possibility revealed in yesterday's post being the absolving of this created burden which isn't there at the first place. To 'be' is simply a natural state.
Today, being a weekend, I, therefore, request you to spend some time to read our last five posts HERE - from "What kind of films do I watch?" to "To BE".
Once done, sit with pen and paper and jot down the five (or more) things that become available when you keep aside the burden that you're carrying.