To improve is a process but like in every process there are moments of truths here as well. In my personal journey of improvement from someone who was living a meaningless life to take a path of mindfulness, I could clearly see those moments.
This was a journey of improvement which was beyond reasons, excuses and fears. I had transcended all of it. I was experiencing that transformation within myself.
It was the month of August. I started for my evening walk around 8 pm. That evening I was venturing into an unknown territory. I had hardly walked for 20 minutes or so and it started pouring heavily. There were no streetlights as it was not a proper street. It was very dark and the intensity of rain increased further. In normal scenarios I would have my standard choice points. Which means, at such a scenario, I would stop and then decide if I want to continue or return back. But, this evening wasn't any ordinary evening for me. The thought of returning back didn't occur to me at all. My experience on that dark, windy and rainy evening was that of being unstoppable. It was in that moment when I could see that I have 'got it'. This was a journey of improvement which was beyond reasons, excuses and fears. I had transcended all of it. I was experiencing that transformation within myself. No questions, no confusions, it was as clear to me as the birth of a new being. A new being with its birth brings along new ways of living. A new life emerges.