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Success: Success In The Journey

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Success is more about the process than the end result. To be immersed, involved and cherish each moment of this process would be to experience slowness in success. Let us see this with an example.

When one decides to run a half marathon, success is not only in finishing that half marathon but in each choice that is leading towards and in alignment with that desired result.

Consider that there’s an amateur runner. For her/ him, success begins with the registration for the half marathon – maybe some 7 or 8 weeks ahead of the actual marathon. Success is in waking up each morning and going for a run – in preparation for the big run, success is in not succumbing to the junk food that can cause a hindrance or even impede the process towards completing that half marathon. Success is in each morning – despite maybe a busy schedule – pulling themselves out of bed and showing up on the track. Success is even in keeping the hand towel, water bottle or a supplementary drink, preparing the running attire, inspecting the shoes and doing all these small things the night before the run. Success comes in completing the 1-kilometre mark, the 5, the 10, the 15… and also the 21-kilometre mark. Success is in realising that the 21-kilometre mark is not a goal but a part of the journey. Success is a self-progression towards the realisation of a vision which, to that amateur runner, was until then only a concept.

Success is a self-progression towards realisation of a vision which, to that amateur runner, was until then only a concept.

As we are progressing on our paths and experiencing success in each little accomplishment, being in the moment, cherishing each stop and each stoppage, in experiencing our involvement and commitment to the moment – there is a certain slowness. In this moment of slowness, the world around disappears. For the marathoner, only the process and they themselves (not as an identity, but rather as being) exist.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

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