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Success and Failure

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

It is all the same.

What is happening when Sun is rising, and what when it sets? How do we define rising and setting? Is Sun in actual rising and setting, or is it our perception? The same applies to the definition of success and failure. Status and Money are the basis on which we define them. Once you buy into these templates, it is a never-ending chase to be successful and avoid failure. These definitions drive all our actions, emotions and behaviours. We become not only calculative but also manipulative to achieve success. Our self-expression and satisfaction become less important to us.

What happens once we achieve success is fascinating. Now, we want to ensure that we remain there. We don't want anything to change—neither our success status nor the circumstances which made us. So we are always fearful and are not open to trying anything new. We become successful birds in the golden cage. Some may call this success a big failure. But it's all the same.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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