Each moment is unique, and each moment comes one at a time. Time, in the physical world that we live in is perceived moment after moment. A moment – a fraction of a second ago, cannot come back. Likewise, a moment in future can only be anticipated, but not lived. There is something about this right now. There is a slowness in the right now, if one observes very carefully and by being fully present to the moment.
There is something about this right now. There is a slowness in the right now, if one observes very carefully and by being fully present to the moment.
‘Slowness’, in this context, is not to be misunderstood as that which is slow in pace, and it is not relative to any motion. If one is present to each moment, if one is involved in it, one is immersed in this moment – each fleeting moment is then perceived with total awareness, total vividness and in aliveness. Each moment is a part of a whole and yet it can only be touched once. By being fully present to each moment as they come by, one is able to be with and live each of them. There is a slowness to this experience. Slowness is not a physical measure in this context, it neither is a concept. Slowness is an experiential phenomenon. Therefore, defining it is difficult, but one who experiences (able to experience) it, gets it.
In this space there is no rush, no business, only silence and stillness. Even if one is in the middle of a busy bazaar, one can experience this stillness and silence.
Living a life moment by moment with this slowness will allow one to totally involve in the moment (and not indulge). One is able to experience life the way it is, without any biases, pre-conditions or apprehensions. One is able to express the self (not the identity or the ego). One is able to live beyond their own physical realm. One is able to connect with another human being, another life. One is boundless. In this – and only this space – a true creation can happen. This creation is a non-physical entity, which when manifests into a physical form – is experienced with its divinity – even though it appears to be simple and non-extraordinary.
We all have experienced this sometime or the other. Artists have been able to touch this divinity of slowness – be it in the form of a written verse, a piece of music, a painting, a sculpture, an architecture or merely the space.
To be able to be with and experiencing, this slowness is the only way to bring a true stillness to mind, a clarity, a blossoming of a life.