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Simplicity: A way of life

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

As individuals, often we build an identity of ourselves. We can call it personality, our individuality, identity or about anything. Fundamentally, people in our life recognise and identify us because of this image that we build of Ourselves.

Once we acknowledge that our identity is an image that we have built, we can see that this is cleverly woven as different images to different people. I exist differently to my parents, my sister, my spouse, my friends, colleagues, teachers and so on. In fact, between my parents itself, I exist differently to my mother and my father. In different circles of friends, I am identified differently – school friends, university friends, work friends etc.

Once we acknowledge that our identity is an image that we have built, we can see that this is cleverly woven as different images to different people.

For a simpler being though, this identity is consistent in all of their circles. They simply are being their purpose, their intent rather than pretending differently to different people. from Gandhiji to Mother Teresa, from Nelson Mandela to Dalai lama we can see it. Simplicity is merely a way of life.



Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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