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Integrity: Possibility in Integrity

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Integrity is about being whole and undivided; of being whole and complete. To be in integrity means respecting our commitment, our word, our own actions. But that does not mean to fall short of our commitment, our word or our actions is falling out of integrity. It is when we are not whole and complete about falling short of our own commitment that we’re left with a void, a sense of being incomplete – that is when we fall out of integrity. Because the whole act happens in synchronicity, often we tend to assume that falling short of our commitment is falling out of integrity.

But that does not mean to fall short of our commitment, our word or our actions is falling out of integrity. It is when we are not whole and complete about falling short of our own commitment that we’re left with a void, a sense of being incomplete – that is when we fall out of integrity.

We would have several commitments made, our words may not fulfil all of our commitments and sometimes our actions may fall short of being aligned to our commitment – mostly unintentionally and sometimes out of not knowing how to respond to situations.

One such instance I’m remembering is for one of the posts of THIRTEEN, due to our negligence we sent out a blank post on Saturday, 25th April. It was a lapse on our part. The immediate possible action, as soon as we realised it was to rectify it and update our subscribers about the same. But it is not only in delivering through the update and fixing the error. Integrity is restored only on becoming consciously present to our commitment of sending the afternoon read each day to help our readers find and connect with the self. Becoming aware of why we are sending these daily posts, what is our duty towards our readers and what damage did we cause allowed us to get control of our own emotions. There were no blaming self or other members of the team. On becoming present to the situation, the guilt in this lapse disappeared, and a new possibility emerged. A possibility to overcome our own technical challenges, to set and deliver each post with care, respect and a sense of service to our readers. A possibility of causing a difference.

Unlike the guilt of not delivering, the possibility created inside of being in integrity had no morality, no right or wrong. It simply allowed us to be free, and from that free space make a fresh commitment to our readers. The following day when we sent an apology mail, we were present to a new possibility – from a sense of being free to create something new and meaningful is something we became present to.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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