What is the purpose of art? Any art? For Sharad, this question and confusion remain throughout. He is listening to his teacher and Maayi and see how they do not compromise their art for 'market'. On the other hand, he can also see how TV reality shows are cashing on Classical music, packaging it to the audience's needs. These shows focus on the performance and cover the background of the participants, their practice for long hours, and their struggles and challenges. They market all of this to engage the audience and increase their TRPs emotionally. Sharad, though, is just an observer of all this happening around him. He neither appreciates it nor complains about it.
The third conversation of Maayi focuses on how she is least interested in the audience. She is not interested in showing her practice and competence to everybody. Maayi says, "I sing only for my teacher and my god". She was once asked by her student why don't customize your singing as per the audience's interest. On whichMaayi says, "If there are 200 people in the hall, how can you make everyone happy? You are not a circus monkey to keep jumping to make the audience happy". She continues, "In the name of Classical music, many people have fallen into the trap and have started playing for the gallery. Fortunately, I was not trained for such things. Once you close your eyes and start your singing, my father is to say nothing other than the ‘raaga’ should come to your mind even if you fail that day as per society standards, that is fine. You have at least been sincere to your art".