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Organisation and my involvement

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Things that I do out of compulsion or obligation have one thing in common – I don’t have my involvement in them. When I realise that the thing I’m doing is a necessary task, then I have a choice point. I can then either choose to do it compulsively, in obligation and dragging through it, bring a drive from within, bring awareness and mindfulness to the activity and do it with total involvement. In either case, even if the results yielded are the same, the latter only makes my experience rich, vibrant and full of life.

Our involvement comes into our action, and the whole journey becomes a sweet experience.

Many of us are working for an organisation. If we keep this organisation in front of us and relate to it as our obligation, our means to pay our rent and bills and have no option but to do this work will suffer. But the moment we make this organisation our action, we see the purpose in it, we will have a choice point. When I choose to work without obligation, the fear goes out of the window, and our work becomes our expression. Our involvement comes into our action, and the whole journey becomes a sweet experience. Like said, in either the case, the organisation (noun) gets the same result, but our action towards our organisation (verb) makes the journey into a desirable experience. There is a sense of being in this action.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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