This week (in fact from last week) we've been talking about to-do list. Let's deviate today and touch upon something that we seldom speak about - not-to-do list. What is a not-to-do list? It's not rocket science to understand what it is, but a word of caution - it's not the opposite of a to-do list. The not-to-do list does not come with resistance for not doing a particular task or work but rather comes with an awareness of the situation and by bringing the ability to say no to certain tasks at certain times based on the situation and the context.
Often we get sucked into doing many tasks that we never intend to. Even worse is that they aren't even aligned with our intent or purpose of being. Then why do we do them? Mostly, we've some complicated reasons and explanations for saying why we do them regardless. The simple and honest answer is that we simply can't say "no" to certain people or situations.
While executing smoothly our to-do list and gliding on that, one important step is to be aligned constantly to our intent and purpose. And, to do so, one of the important pillars is to be aware of things we don't want to do at certain times - for example it could be saying no to your own dear ones while working on something else or not picking up the mobile phone for a set number of hours while consciously involved in a deep-thinking or a deep-research mode or something as simple as saying no to junk food!
A not-to-do list is, therefore, a tremendous possibility for bringing focus and intensity on the work we intend to accomplish.