Going out and getting some daily physical exercise allows the body to get fit. It is an act of muscle and strength and endurance building. The one who practices daily, consistently gets physically better with time. Similarly, dedicating a time with discipline and commitment for meditation or even a mindful activity allows the mind to get fit. One can say that it is also an act of building muscles - the muscles of the mind! Doing so brings clarity, focus and patience.
In this act, a genuine sense of calmness and a selfless attitude is generated. The sense of ‘I' – the identity is no longer in the limelight. The self dissolves into whatever we are involved and immersed into – it could be our work, a service to the community, our purpose or a cause, or our determination with a goal in mind. When this sense of 'self' – the identity dissolves, the actions become selfless.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- Mahatma Gandhi
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At THIRTEEN we intend to urge our readers to write each morning as a process of catharsis. Such kind of daily writing lightens our mind and allows us to be at ease and most importantly comfortable with ourselves! If you like our content, we request you to share this with your colleagues, friends and family.