This week in our podcast and also in one of the posts we discussed on “Me Time”. We also mentioned some of the ways to induce the "me time" in our morning calendar. That included things like making coffee, listening to music, cleaning the car or any other equipment and so on. The one thing which I want to discuss here is how can writing be done as a “me time” activity.
There can be many prompts to start writing in the morning. But before prompt, we can fix a structure that enables the process and gets us started. That structure in my case is to write 200 words in a long hand format without any particular reference material. So complete free-flow writing of 200 words. I take a prompt from my morning thoughts and build around it. I keep writing whatever comes to my mind without any apprehensions or constraints. I am not focusing the write up on any particular reader or audience. Sometimes it’s for me, sometimes for others and many times it’s for no one but just for the act of writing those 200 words, one word at a time.
The fun begins when the flow gets started. Many times it so happens that without even realising I have written more than 200 words. I don’t know where the thoughts come from and how the formation of sentences is happening. It’s a magical process of achieving flow in writing. Maybe that is why it’s is one of my favourite “me time”.