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Writer: ThirteenThirteen

We've been told since childhood to manage many things. Our homework, books, toys, our space. Then we start growing up, and we learn to manage aptly as we grow. We learn to manage relationships - be it in personal domain or professional. We manage our finances. Today, with fancy gadgets, we even manage our health!

Manage, as a verb means to be in charge of or to run a system or a practice. It also means to succeed in surviving or in achieving something despite difficult circumstances - essentially it means to cope. But the word 'manage' comes from a Latin word 'manus' meaning 'hand'. Therefore, one can say that managing is about handling things.

The interesting thing about this word is that although 'manage' is a mid-16th century word, it really gained popularity around the 1800's. Since 1950, one can see the curve of the usage of this word escalating upward. And, in the last three decades the word's usage has soared a new high! And, it seems to be continuing to stride that path in future.

...although 'manage' is a mid-16th century word, it really gained popularity around the 1800's. Since 1950, one can see the curve of the usage of this word escalating upward. And, in the last three decades the word's usage has soared a new high!

It is no wonder that this word is gained popularity since the rise of industrial revolution. One can observe that the word's usage has been directly proportional to the rate of adoption of a capitalist worldview - particularly as seen (and already mentioned) in the last three decades.

Management seems to have become an integral part of human life. Now, in 2020, more than ever before, management plays a crucial role while many are working from home. But as we're managing many things around us - a work-life balance, finances, businesses, stocks, relationships, children, their education, home, health, diet, studies and new learnings, entertainment, sometimes we love to manage even other individuals! But, when are we planning to pause, look inward? When do we intend to see if the word's meaning has any space in managing ourselves?

But, when are we planning to pause, look inward? When do we intend to see if the word's meaning has any space in managing ourselves?


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

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