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Location of Mind

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Location of mind is it HEART or brain?

Mind is neither in the heart nor in the brain. So, where does mind reside ?

Mind is a created concept by human beings. Memory is in Brian and all our thoughts are outcome of those memories. Thus every thought is coming from past. Even when we say we are thinking about the future , that thinking is also a byproduct of the past memories. None of what we call as thought is fresh or innocent. So mind too is a creation of past. It is a construct created to frame the thoughts, to give a place to hold the thoughts . It is a playground for different mind games. The conditioning is so strong that these mind games seem real. As real as a palm in front of our face. Then there are societal stories to reinforce the mind myths. Society has not only succumbed to the mind but has provided enough fuel to keep it alive and kicking. The endless chase for happiness and pleasure. The never ending pain and suffering of living. The non-stop series of justifications and tenets to keep the story intact.All these are the outcome of a helplessly busy mind. It just can’t keep quite and will not allow the thoughts to rest.

Even if someone thinks that they can questions all these then where will those questions come from ? Yes, they all will come form the mind and from the existing conditioning of the mind. That is why we all seek conclusion, we frame questions in such a way that it will lead to an answer which fits our scheme of things. We cannot think beyond the plot as thinking itself is part of that plot. It is like trying to empty a water glass when you are deep inside a water body. The only way to empty the glass here is to first come out of the water ourself.

Thus real freedom is to be free from the mind and its creations. It is about seeing through the games our mind plays with us. It is to see through the scams created by society to keep its relevance. It is about understanding our emotions and the origin of those emotions.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

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