First of all, let us acknowledge that language is a creation, it is a created concept. We have created it and are evolving it every day. We have not only evolved from making some sounds into onomatopoeic words but then took them further into creating complex words, rules for using the words in a certain order and not to use in a few ways and so on.
It is estimated that the first language dates back to a little more than 5 millennia*. As a human race, in the matter of the last 5,000 years, we have evolved over 7,000 languages around the world. That's over 1.4 languages per year. Considering language is a created concept, that's a lot of making up of stuff!
Researchers believe that an average 8-year-old knows over 10,000 words in their native language. That's over 4 number of new words picked up since they began to speak. In India, the matter is even more complex as most Indians on average knows about 3 languages by this age.
Yet, we, as a human race, are expression deficit! We fail to not only express but also communicate precisely and concisely what we wish to. It is high time, we realise that language alone - a created concept - is a medium in which we can create anything that we wish and aspire to. Therefore, one must be mindful of the words we choose to use as we speak, and be observant and present to how we articulate and construct our language. Who knows without realisation if we have been creating something undesired, and are blindsided to it.
*It could be more, but we have records that date back to 3,200 B.C. However, some archaeologists believe that we may have had language in its primitive form for 100,000 years.