Right from our childhood, we learn this. "For me to win, someone has to lose". This is the guiding principle on which we play all the games of life. All the learning and education thus focus on making sure we win. The rat race starts from winning a seat in that right school. Then every year the grading system reassures the belief that you can come first only when the other is second, third and so on. There is only one "First" rand holder everywhere.
As Stephen Covey mentioned in the fourth habit in his book "7 Habit of Highly Effective People", " Win/Lose people are prone to use position, power, credentials, possessions, or personality to get their way."
As Stephen Covey mentioned in the fourth habit in his book "7 Habit of Highly Effective People", " Win/Lose people are prone to use position, power, credentials, possessions, or personality to get their way."
A teacher can ask a student to do certain tasks. The student has no option but to do it because there is an authoritative position which is telling the student to do something. The student will not learn but just going through motions. It might be a win for the teacher but a loss for the students in terms of time, attention and energy. Same way potion is used in organisations by bosses to get their way without aligning their goals with those of their team members.
This may seem to work in the short run but in the long run, it won't remain. Situations change, and at the first chance of any change the deal breaks.