These days we hear many discussions about the impact of AI and data analytics. Presently, email accounts, databases and websites are vulnerable to hacking; soon, we will see human hacking. The Machine learning algorithms may know us more than we know ourselves. What we do and what we wish to do. What we like and who we are when it comes to our preferences and choices.
Strangely, when we say that we can be hacked and programmed, we miss acknowledging the conditioning done on us from our birth. We don't realise the impact of collective consciousness that was always there even before we came into this world. Thus, we never had free will. We always believed and lived as per the conditioning of culture, religion, upbringing and the survival instincts we got from our genes.
Human hacking is not in future. On the contrary, human hacking is the reality of who human beings are as a species. Thus, all our search for freedom from our monkey minds is a futile and never-ending chase that leads to illusions and traps.
You don't have to be worried about being hacked.
Hacked you are.