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Fear Hacks

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Fear is born in our thoughts. Our thoughts come from our past. Thus fear is born from our past.

Every time we come from our past we will have fear of doing something new. Can we stop fear? No. Can we see fear? Yes. And the creation of a fear-free (not fearless, but freedom from fear) life is possible when we accept and allow fear to be. Some places to observe fear and to question its validity are :

Fear of People: Why do you fear that person? What from your past can you see in the context of your relationship to that person? What is the impact of not giving that power to this particular relationship or to that person? What do you think will happen? And, what will happen if that happens? How much of it is just in your imagination and thoughts? How far those thoughts are taking you away from reality?

Fear of Place: Why do you resist going to this place? What is your story behind this place? Any past incident or memory you have about this same or similar place? The time that incident happened, does the same context still exist? If yes, where does it exist, in your mind or on the ground? If on the ground, can you explain it? How will it impact your life if you give away your story about this place and create a new narrative?

Fear of Death: What is it actually to die? Have you been through death? What is the fear of? Is it about missing out on doing things which you always wanted to do? If so, what is it that you always wanted to do? And, what is it that stops you now from doing it which you think you would have done if you don't die? If it's about the death of others, what really bothers you? What could you do to them, give them which you are willing but not giving it right now? How would things be different if they don't die? If they matter so much, how much their present living matters to you? How do you make the full out of life such that death doesn't matter?

It is not about fear about anything, the hack lies in asking questions about that fear. Accepting and acknowledging its presence. When you let fear be, fear will let you be.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

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