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Fear and Relationship

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Student: Good Morning Sir, Today I did meditation for 20 mins more than usual to deal with my fear. I am not sure it helped me. So I am really upset about it.

Mentor: Good Morning my dear. What are you afraid of ?

Student : As I had told you before I am in a relationship for last year or so. Now I fear that the love of my life will leave me. I have this constant fear that we will break-up some day. We both love each other but still this fear stops me from enjoying a good relationship.

Mentor : What is the root of this fear my dear student ? What do you think is the cause of it. Without observing the root of fear your meditation won't help you fix this. Thus any formula or method or practice you use to deal with your fear will only lead to more upset and more fear.

Student : Then please guide me Sir, how do I catch the root of my fear ? So that I can get rid of it and have a happy relationship without suffering.

Mentor: How can you expect to be attached to the romance and pleasure of your relationship but not the pain and suffering coming from it. This itself is running away from the truth of attachment and living in the myths of relationship. But, let us take it up some other day. For now lets us look at the issue at hand. That is, your fear and the root of it. What are the things which bring fear to you ? Can you please express it to me ?

Student : Yes Sir. To share the exact words , its 'My love might leave me for someone else' , ' I may do something which will mess our relationship and then it will be an unrecoverable damage', 'What if I don't continue to earn the respect and admiration which I now have ?' and many such similar thoughts.

Mentor : And what is the common vehicle for these thoughts which are coming to you ?

Student : I am not understanding your questions Sir. What can be a vehicle or medium for these thoughts ?

Mentor: You are not staying with this question. You are busy in finding a solution so that you can make a new practice or method out of it. The same way you use your meditation every day. Can you see that all your fears are projections using the medium of time. There is a thought which you are projecting in future which is at the root of these fears. May happen, might go wrong and all these thoughts are coming from you old baggage and experiences. can you observe this without any evolution and analysis.

Student: I am able to see what you mean Sir. I am so attached to certain things in my life that I project the losing of those things using the vehicle of time and that is birth of fear. Once that fear is born, it doesn't allow me to live a free life.

Mentor: Yes my dear. That is what happens. To observe the root of fear is to find the truth of fear. This is meditation. Of course, it is different from your meditation of getting mental highs. Which you do with chanting some words or focusing on some objects for 20 mins in a day. People count such experiences and call them with some spiritual names like nirvana or enlightenment.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

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