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Dream Big! And all that...

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

"Agar main chota kaam karoonga, toh chota hi ban kar reh jaonga." (If I do small things, then I too will remain small") says Raju, the protagonist of the 90's Bollywood movie "Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman" (Raju became a Gentleman). Raju then does something big. He packs his bag, says goodbye to his friends and lands into a metropolis - the City of Mumbai. Few years later, I said the same thing that Raju said. I too packed my bags, said bye to my family and friends and entered the land of dreams, the city of Mumbai. For few, this may look over simplification of life events and for others it may be an act of courage. In reality, it's a story of innocence. There was no fear in the first place to overcome it with courage. Innocence is a super-power. It can make you do things which a clever mind will never stop evaluating and calculating the impact for. Here there is no measurement of 'return on investment' , there is no 'thinking over'. There is no judgement which is based on past experiences. It is an act of a fresh mind. In most cases, somewhere down the path, this innocence is lost. We start analysing our dreams. We start looking for assurances. We want someone to own things for us. We fear losing the things we have accomplished. For every new idea, we have 10 doubts asking "what if it doesn't work ?" This "what if?" kills the dreams. It puts us in a comfort zone of a mediocre life. The cleverness of knowing that I will never make a mistake if I don't do anything new brings stagnation. And, so, without realising, I only do things that are safe and within my known domain. Innocence is lost. Raju now becomes a "clever man".

Innocence is a super-power. It can make you do things which a clever mind will never stop evaluating and calculating the impact for.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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