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Do you want to be the CEO?

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

We all have ambitions. Since our childhood we've had. Some of us wanted to be a doctor, an engineer, a pilot, a teacher, a businessman or whatever occurred to us as a child. As we grow-up, we start getting clarity and thus we become more specific about our goals and ambitions in life. At the beginning of our career we get the opportunity to re-calibrate our goals in life. We now have knowledge, experience and intelligence to make informed choices. Most people say they have high aims. They want to be the best in what they do. Then they see people in their organisations, they read books or attend motivational lectures and the aim becomes clearer and specific. They say they want to be head of departments, CEO, CFO, and also a few of them want to start their own company or a business. Why then are their actions not aligned to their goals?

The plausibility is, most of them have fear from within to follow their dreams. This thought of actually reaching their goal is scary. Thus, most get involved in small talks, back biting, perpetual cribbing and blame-game becomes their favourite pass-time. Rather they find time to play these games. By doing so, we start playing for survival and not for growth. The whole idea is to ensure one's comfort zone is maintained and complacency creeps into everything we do. Taking objectives for a year and ensuring nothing more or nothing less to be achieved. It is said that with power comes responsibility. Thus, with new responsibilities one is accountable for that power and their people. All this is scary and fearful for those who are used to the 'Known' and have fear to explore the 'Unknown". Growth starts when we are willing to get freedom from the known and willing to explore the unknown and the fear it in-stores.

...with new responsibilities one is accountable for that power and their people. All this is scary and fearful for those who are used to the 'Known' and have fear to explore the 'Unknown".


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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