We are still in the first half of the Daily Dairy. In the last two posts, I shared with you the "Intention of the day" and "Most important thing" of the day. Now we move one to an activity which will take some time, unlike the other two things we saw. Of course, both those things are important, but this is like a practice.
There has been a lot studied and written about deliberate practice:
Read this post by James Clear: https://jamesclear.com/beginners-guide-deliberate-practice
Or this video by Angela Duckworth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5itYr20uUtk
I will share the specific practice I do. It is about Writing 200 words every day. Yes, in this section, my action is to write about anything which crosses 200 words. It can be a book review, movie review, new things I recently learned, or I want to learn. It can be anything to start with. Sometimes, when I see a topic getting developed, I continue the theme/thread, but the main point is to write.
Slowly shortly, I want to make it deliberate practice. Having a framework of the feedback loop and upskilling around it. Let me see how it goes; till that time, I am happy with 200 words. By the way, in a year, its 73000 words. Simple maths, you see.