This week was to look into the various otherwise contradictory topics and find how they are all the same. At a meta-level, when we take away the conditioning and context of culture, what is left is all the same.
Who we are is like an onion. As we take away the layers of opinions, identity, thoughts, conditioning, conclusions, and decisions, what is left is nothing. Thus, when we label certain things as reasonable or necessary and other things as wrong or irrelevant, it all is part of our created world. None of that is true. It is all a story we buy into and then thinks it is accurate.
Although the title of this post is 'conclusion', we can conclude nothing. There is nothing to conclude. There is nothing out there; it is all here and in the now. Only in our thoughts do we see the chaos that makes us search for peace out there, somewhere in the future. If we can see through it, we realise that there is peace already here and right now.
Whatever we want is all here; there is nothing out there.