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Come... Fall in love and laughter

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

"What is love?" is amongst the most searched questions on google in 2019-2020. I think equally interesting question is, "Have you ever fallen in love with someone?" If not, get that sorted ASAP. Sorted as in done and dusted. In the movie Devdas, the protagonist is in deep love with his childhood friend Paro. To understand what happens to a human being in love, let's see this one scene where Devdas says, "Dad said to leave the town..., everyone said to leave Paro..., Paro said to leave you (mother) said to leave the day will come when they will say, to leave the world itself." This joker has just returned completing his graduation in Law from London. Then later in the movie, he finds another funny character named Chunnilal. They both share their stories and drinks. Then Chunnilal takes Devdas to a dancer named Chandrmukhi. As luck would have it, she falls in love with our joker. When she asks, " Why do you drink so much if you cannot tolerate it ?", Devdas says, "Who drinks to tolerate it, I drink so that I can tolerate you". Look at his audacity.

Many such stories you can see in Hollywood movies as well. Not sure about movies but in real life as long as one stays in romantic love, so long will the comedy continue.

Comedy = Tragedy + Time

- Anonymous

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