"A Kung fu man lives without being dependent on the opinions of others, and a master, unlike the beginner, holds himself in reserve. He is quiet and unassuming, with no desire to show off."
- Bruce Lee
Since I’m quoting Bruce Lee, I must say that kung fu became popular through him and his films. But, Kung fu is an old form of martial arts. Unlike it is understood today, where one undergoes a rigorous training and then one gets promoted through each level until they achieve a black belt, the understanding in the olden times was slightly different. It was less of achieving a belt and more of a realisation. The master trained his pupils to be in the moment, to experience each moment as is, with no thoughts, concepts and opinions. And through a rigorous and a disciplined practice one experienced (and received) wisdom. Being in the moment of truth one simply knew that they are in the moment, that they touched wisdom. There is no arrogance, no pride, not even an internal story of touching this wisdom. It simply is in the being.
"Kung fu. It means, "supreme skill from hard work". A great poet has reached Kung fu. The painter, the calligrapher, they can be said to have Kung fu. Even the cook, the one who sweeps steps, or a masterful servant can have Kung fu. Practice. Preparation. Endless repetition. Until your mind is weary, and your bones ache. Until you're too tired to sweat, too wasted to breathe. That is the way, the only way one acquires Kung fu."
- Marco Polo