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Feelings: An Anchor for Creation

Writer: ThirteenThirteen

Many a times when our rational world seems to not be working, our feelings sail us through. In this case, I’m inclined and mainly referring to the internal – mental and emotional feelings. Because these are the feelings that also evoke and govern the physical feelings on the body as sensations, and hence internal feelings become of greater importance. But I digress, this discussion, perhaps, is for some other time.

Unbelievable things, both good and bad, are achieved merely on the basis of faith and belief.

Faith or belief are also a sort of an internal feelings. They are generated by our mind. These feelings are so strong and intense that our actions get aligned to (and identified with) them. Unbelievable things, both good and bad, are achieved merely on the basis of faith and belief.

A faith in God is an emotion, a powerful feeling. Although this faith does not conclusively prove the existence of God, people have achieved miraculous feats. One can observe that a simple faith – a feeling has a power to transform, to create. In a rational world the things that seemed next to impossible are achieved and created with this feeling. Be it from building a home for a middle-class worker’s family to landing a rover on Mars. Faith needn’t always be in God; it could also be in one’s vision or commitment or action or about anything. Only if this faith is exercised with utmost consciousness, the manifestation of it shall not be accidental, but rather intentional – aligned to our purpose.

A feeling that is generated from inside, a feeling that is generated out of nothingness, out of emptiness has created the world in which you and I exist. Such is the power of a simple feeling.

A creation happens out of nothing, so it goes with feeling. A feeling that is generated from inside, a feeling that is generated out of nothingness, out of emptiness has created the world in which you and I exist. Such is the power of a simple feeling. It is only to be creating with mindfulness, consciousness and intention to be aligned to our purpose will enrich our living experience.


Creation of a desired life is an ambition, and yet we succumb to the fast paced life. In this time and age, 13 is a blog that provides a two minutes everyday read on six week days and on Sunday a free planning tool towards designing your future week is available to download that acts as your own mindfulness guide. 

© 13 | THIRTEEN (2021) 

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