About T H I R T E E N
Thirteen is a number with a strong superstitious connotation. It is also a number which challenges and brings a shift or a change in the course of events – at thirteen dramatic changes happen naturally from within, it is also the first year of the teenage, businesses work in a thirteen-week format (quarterly). Superstitious or otherwise, Thirteen is a number that surpasses the normative and challenges to bring about a transformational shift.
Thirteen is an initiative by Prasanna Shivkamat, Preetanshi Singh and Shantesh Kelvekar. It is a blog, a website, a tool for helping individuals to find themselves, to create and to be mindful in their actions. Thirteen is our clearing, our being, our possibility. Thirteen – a medium for creating innate experiences.

At some point or the other, each of the three creators of Thirteen have experienced vulnerability, anxiety and stress, emotional disturbance and one way we found to work with it is by being present to these emotions. It is in this space that writing allowed us to be with our self, and to discover and create. It is not that we are no longer vulnerable, it is just that we are present to it.
Like us, we found many around us facing the vulnerabilities. It is very few who open and discuss about it. With changing times and uncertainties around, this is only going to increase. It is in these times how one can conduct themselves matters.
Thirteen is a tool to help individuals to clear, be with themselves and to create mindfully and ongoingly. Each day, we share one blog post – usually 1-3 minute reading material – each of this post is handwritten first as our daily exercise before we post it online. And one Sunday, we invite you to participate in mindfully creating your own week and to live the upcoming week in the way you’ve designed and created.
We sincerely hope that, like us, this tool allows each one of you to bring clarity, live a life of your choice, and be mindful and present to the moment.